National Radon Action Month is in January. In an effort to help you promote radon awareness in your area, OARP has teamed up with the Ohio Department of Health.
For templates for you to use to promote radon to your local media, email These include:
- 30 & 15 second Public Service to send to your local radio stations
- A featured article for your local newspaper
- A sample letter to the editor to your local newspaper
- A sample radon info sheet to give to the public
- A list of all the counties in Ohio that are offering free test kits
- The Ohio Department of Health’s Outreach brochure
- The OARP/EPA Fact Sheet for Radon Action Month
You can also find a complete event planning kit for National Radon Action Month at
We also encourage you to find connections locally to people who will help you advocate for radon testing in your area. These people include doctors, previous customers, those who have experienced lung cancer from radon exposure, and Realtors who encourage radon testing.